Thursday 31 January 2013

Week 11: Animation Pitch (Part 3)

Wednesday, 5th December, 2012

It is the eleventh lesson of my Animation unit and today I have finished off the story board and George has finished off the script. We have started to draw pictures for the story board.

We need to finish our pitch before the 12th December. 2012 to present it to the audience. I am hoping to get a good grade such as a Merit or a Distinction.

I am trying really, really hard but at the moment I have no idea what to do and I can't even tell my lecturer as I don't know how to.

If I was working with one of my friends I reckon I would get a really good grade as we would stay in touch after the lessons and we would also discuss about it and would come up with a really good idea.

At the moment I am enjoying it but I really don't know what to do but I will keep on trying no matter what.

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