Thursday 31 January 2013

Week 17: Identifying Layouts and Recording Audios

Wednesday, 30th January, 2013

It is the seventeenth lesson of my Animations unit and we are really falling behind as we still need to complete our animation by using cut outs and we need to film it next week and the week after that. At the moment our team isn't making any progress because I have no idea on what to do.
In this lesson George was not doing anything at all because he said "I'm not in the mood of doing anything really, I might even drop the course". I seriously don't know what I am going to do. I want to ask for help but I don't know how to because I am worried of what might happen next.

I will try my best and try really hard to come up with an animation of my own if George goes too far and if he doesn't take this animation really serious. He really needs to focus and if I need help I will ask Graham. My animations lecturer Graham Wilmott is really helpful and an honest man as he goes around and helps all of the groups and he provides equipment for the groups in our class.

Week 16: Building Models and Sets

Wednesday, 23rd January, 2013

It is the sixteenth lesson of my Animations unit and I  have finished off the full script and completed the rest of the storyboard and hopefully by next lesson we should start filming our animation. 

I'm just saying working with George is not a problem but I would of preferred working with one off my friends so that I can finish off my animation and I would also know what to do and get on with it and would we would not waste any time.

Week 15: Creating the Animation

Wednesday, 16th January, 2013

It is the fifteenth lesson of our Animations unit and so far I am currently working on my models by designing it. George is hardly helping me as he is too busy doing something he isn't supposed to do. I am finishing off the full script and the storyboard and I also need to start my pre post production andit needs to be completed in two weeks time.

Week 14: Planning the Animation

Wednesday, 9th January, 2013

It is the fourteenth lesson of my Animations unit and it is the first lesson back from the Xmas holidays and so far we have watched an education video about downloading illegal music and videos and that you should not download them but to actually buy them.

Me and George have done a separate Google Doc for our animation plan because by the 19th April, 2013 our animation needs to be finished and we are going to show the class our animation.

Week 13: Last Day of Term

Wednesday, 19th December, 2012

It is the thirteenth lesson and the last day of the term of my Animations unit and today I have watched some educational videos as it is the last day of the term. Some of us had to complete our draft storyboards and scripts but I have already completed them and uploaded them onto Moodle last week. I have really enjoyed my Animation classes but still need time to think about my animation and what is going to happen in it. I went onto moodle and found out Graham uploaded our pitches onto YouTube.

Here is a link of me presenting my animation pitch:

Week 12: Presenting Animation Pitch

Wednesday, 12th December, 2012

It is the twelfth lesson of my Animation unit and I  have presented my pitch in front of the whole class alone because George was not in to support me and I answered questions of which people asked me. I have completed feedback forms for all the teams and Graham recorded videos of us presenting our pitches. 

George was not in so I had to present my pitch on my own but it did not got bad to be honest, we all had fun today. I enjoyed watching other teams presenting their pitches and it gave me some ideas to add in my pitch. I have completed my draft storyboard by drawing pictures on a A4 sheet of paper and I took a picture of it on my mobile phone and uploaded it on Moodle.

Week 11: Animation Pitch (Part 3)

Wednesday, 5th December, 2012

It is the eleventh lesson of my Animation unit and today I have finished off the story board and George has finished off the script. We have started to draw pictures for the story board.

We need to finish our pitch before the 12th December. 2012 to present it to the audience. I am hoping to get a good grade such as a Merit or a Distinction.

I am trying really, really hard but at the moment I have no idea what to do and I can't even tell my lecturer as I don't know how to.

If I was working with one of my friends I reckon I would get a really good grade as we would stay in touch after the lessons and we would also discuss about it and would come up with a really good idea.

At the moment I am enjoying it but I really don't know what to do but I will keep on trying no matter what.

Week 10: Animation Pitch (Part 2)

Wednesday, 28th November, 2012

It is the tenth lesson of my Animations unit and today our team has made a good progress and my part was to do the storyboard while George's part was to to the script. We have come up with some more characters and we have also come up with what we are going to do such as the characters are going to meet each other and the bad character threatens the good character to do something for him.

Hopefully by next lesson we are planning to finish off our script and storyboard to move onto something else.

Week 9: Animation Pitch (Part 1)

Wednesday, 21st November, 2012

It is the ninth lesson of my Animations unit and me and George have created our animation characters and we were still deciding on what our animation is going to be called.

We have just recently started to plan our animation pitch and we have completed most of it such as the target audience, animation techniques, genre and the audio sections. We still have a lot of work to do as we need to finish off our storyboard and our script. We are going to present our pitch in three weeks time (12th December. 2012).

Week 8: Creating Animation Team Logos

Wednesday, 14th November, 2012

It is the eighth lesson of our Animations unit and so far me and George created a logo for our animation called 'GOLD ANIMATIONS' and we have also wrote our pitch and need to finish off our script and and storyboard.

In our pitch we done our target audience which is aimed at mid teenagers (13 to 19 yrs) and we will use cardboard cut-outs and stop motion for our animation technique. We are also doing a comedy and action type of animation which we have come across and so far we have two characters; one is called 'Jason' (the gangster type) and the second one is called Sheldrake (the goody type). 

We have created a team logo using an online software:


What went Good

We had thought of what we are going to do for our animation and what techniques and styles we are going to use.

What went Bad

We did not finish off our script and our storyboard and we have still not thought of a name for our animation. 

Week 7: Animation Teams

Wednesday, 7th November, 2012

It is the seventh lesson of my Animations unit and I am just back from the half term break and had a wonderful break.

In this lesson I have carried on with my assignment and I have also seen examples of Zoetrope and Kinetiscope animations.

Halfway through the lesson Graham paired the class in groups and I have been paired with George. We were supposed to choose our team names and me and George named our team name 'Gold Animations'. I have nearly finished my first assignment and I am submitting my assignment on Friday before 5.00pm.

Week 6: Researching Animation Techniques

Wednesday, 24th October, 2012

It is my first lesson in the Animations unit and so far I have watched some animation clips on YouTube with the whole class. I have learned about some animation techniques and I still need to do a bit more research on:

·         Zoetrope

·         Stop Frame/Motion

·         Kinetiscope

·         Flick Book

·         Cel Animation

·         Rotoscoping

·         Drawn On Film

·         Digital Applications

My animations lecturer Graham Wilmott has given me and the whole class an assignment.

Week 5: Making a Draft Animation

Wednesday, 17th October, 2012

It is the fifth lesson of the Animations and I was still not enrolled on the I.T course as I was doing the Business course.

There is nothing much to write on this blog as I was not in this lesson and I hope you can understand why I was not in this lesson.

Week 4: Animation Techniques

Wednesday, 10th October, 2012

It is the fourth lesson of the Animations and I was still not enrolled on the I.T course as I was doing the Business course.

There is nothing much to write on this blog as I was not in this lesson and I hope you can understand why I was not in this lesson.

Week 3: Animations Introduction (Part 3)

Wednesday, 3rd October, 2012

It is the third lesson of the Animations and I was still not enrolled on the I.T course as I was doing the Business course.

There is nothing much to write on this blog as I was not in this lesson and I hope you can understand why I was not in this lesson.

Week 2: Animations Introduction (Part 2)

Wednesday, 26th September, 2012

It is the second lesson of the Animations and I was still not enrolled on the I.T course as I was doing the Business course.

There is nothing much to write on this blog as I was not in this lesson and I hope you can understand why I was not in this lesson.

Week 1: Animations Introduction (Part 1)

Wednesday, 19th September, 2012

It is the first week of the Animations lesson and I was there as I was not doing the BTEC Diploma in I.T Level 2 course because I was doing a BTEC Diploma in Business Level 2 course.

I know I would of definitely enjoyed the first few lessons but I thought that my Business course was going to be really interesting and it was but I found the Business course a little difficult as I did not understand most of the topics in the subject.